The view of the landfill from the Dunmore Reservoir.
Another eye-opening editorial by FOL core member, Pat Clark. It's time to stand up for ourselves and hop out of the pot before we boil!
Have you ever heard the boiling frog metaphor? If you place a frog in a pot of boiling water, it will immediately jump out. If you place a frog in a pot of room-temperature water that is gradually heated, the frog will not notice the danger and will boil to death. Science may debate the actual reaction that the frog would have, but the metaphor rings true — it speaks to our general inability to react to threats and changes that gradually occur over time....
So, without detailed [health] information that covers an adequate sample size covering an acceptable time period, how could any agency reasonably conclude that a massive landfill expansion is safe for people in the surrounding communities? They cannot. To do so would be, at best, guessing, and at worst, putting the lives of the people they are supposed to protect at risk....
At some point, we need to stand up for ourselves and hop out of the pot before the water boils.
If the DEP is willing to grant any form of this expansion without enough health or environmental data, it is rolling the dice and gambling with people’s lives. That is an unnecessary, irresponsible and unacceptable risk.