7/7/2015: Editorial

The Times-Tribune Editorial Board firmly points out the incompetence and weak leadership of Dunmore Council for hiding behind attorney-client priviledge...when they represent us!!

Four members of weak-kneed Dunmore Borough Council claim that they have legislated themselves into permanent silence about one of the most important matters facing the borough and the rest of Northeast Pennsylvania.

If they actually have done so, it would be an act of such grotesque incompetence that they all should resign in embarrassment.

But the politicians’ reticence more likely is a desperate attempt by ostriches to use any available sand. Some council members have made noise about standing up against expansion of the Keystone Sanitary Landfill. But most of them, with the exception of Timothy Burke, actually haven’t done so because the landfill is owned by politically and financially influential Dunmore businessman Louis DeNaples, and because they have tied the borough’s future to that of a garbage dump.