Keystone either dump or structure

Today's The Scranton Times-Tribune editorial is directly on point on KSL's status as a structure or a dump. You can't have it both ways.

KSL is looking for the Borough of Dunmore to bail them out here, plain and simple.

We think the Borough (Council and Planning) will recognize this as the end-run that it is and deny this proposed zoning change.

--> PA courts have held that mega landfills, just like this one, are structures.

--> As the editorial states, for 30 years, KSL has insisted that the landfill is "a state-of-the-art piece of high-tech modern engineering, incorporating complex design elements..." - you can't be both that and a pile of dirt.

--> Ruling in KSL's favor would affirm what people have been saying for a long time - our area is dominated by garbage.