5th Deficiency Letter Sent to KSL

The DEP recently issued its 5th deficiency letter to KSL during this expansion evaluation period. This entry is a 10 page letter, listing over 60 deficiencies, and is linked to below for anyone looking for some light weekend reading. The Scranton Times also had a detailed article on it (see our page for more details and a link to the story).

The listed items aren't small - they are big ticket items: underestimated leachate generation and treatment, unresolved groundwater contamination, a consistent minimization of closure related items, and more.

Every project will have some back and forth between those seeking approval and those with the power to allow or deny it. But after six years of paperwork, plans and prodding these issues still are not even almost ironed out. How can DEP grant an expansion when these issues remain open, unclear, and evidently unsolvable?
