Times-Tribune, Scranton, PA
By Robert Smith, Harrisburg Bureau Chief
March 26, 2015                              

Friends, we have another great announcement!  We will have another opportunity to ask the DEP important questions regarding the proposed landfill expansion!  John Quigley, secretary-designate for the Department of Environmental Protection told senators this morning that he would accommodate another public meeting.  

First, our sincere thanks to Senator Casey for helping our voices be heard!  He is representing his constituents and making a tremendous difference!  We continue to hope our other elected officials will be inspired to follow his lead.

We are thankful that John Quigley will accommodate this opportunity.   We have only had months to look over this very technical and complex application that will impact ALL the generations to come.  We are just starting to get experts involved who can help us understand its implications and we are in the process of requesting important health studies.  We embrace this opportunity to ask more questions and to get answers. We also absolutely need more time.  Time to wrap our heads around the full impact the landfill is having now and would have on our community if it expands. 
